The Coding Train:
Channel Link: The Coding Train,
Description: The Coding Train, hosted by Daniel Shiffman, covers a wide range of programming topics, including AI and machine learning. The channel is known for its clear explanations and hands-on coding examples.
Channel Link: Sentdex,
Description: Sentdex focuses on various topics related to Python programming and artificial intelligence. The creator, Harrison Kinsley, often provides practical examples and tutorials.
Tech with Tim:
Channel Link: Tech with Tim,
Description: Tech with Tim covers a variety of programming topics, and Tim's tutorials on AI and machine learning can be beneficial for beginners.
Siraj Raval:
Channel Link: Siraj Raval,
Description: Siraj Raval's channel covers a broad range of AI topics. While some videos are more conceptual, others include hands-on coding examples.
Data School:
Channel Link: Data School,
Description: Data School, hosted by Kevin Markham, focuses on data science and machine learning with Python. The channel provides tutorials and practical examples using popular libraries like scikit-learn and TensorFlow.
Channel Link: CodeBullet,
Description: CodeBullet creates entertaining and educational content related to programming and AI. While the focus is not solely on AIML, the channel covers various aspects of artificial intelligence.